Naming places in Queensland

Place names are used to identify key landmarks and features in our environment and represent cultural values. They have long-term impacts on a person’s sense of identity and belonging.

Consistent and accurate place names are the basis of vital activities—addressing, emergency services, map production, communication services, and population censuses and statistics.

Official recognition of a place name is achieved by adding the name to the Queensland Gazetteer. Information from the Gazetteer is used in many databases that support the delivery of services, including emergency services.

Approval to add, change or remove a place name is defined by the Place Names Act 1994. This Act outlines the requirements for naming geographical features and areas in Queensland.

This guide explains the place naming process for places named by the Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Manufacturing and Regional and Rural Development and for places named by other agencies.

Naming places in Queensland

In this guide:

  1. Who names what places?
  2. Naming processes
  3. Place name suggestions
  4. Naming considerations
  5. Defining boundaries and extent
  6. Indigenous languages and their relevance to place naming

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