Queensland's Environmental Offsets Update
Environmental offsets are an important conservation mechanism that helps counterbalance unavoidable environmental impacts of development. Offsets compensate for the loss of biodiversity or habitat at one site by establishing ‘like for like’ habitat areas elsewhere that are managed into the future.
A 2020 review of Queensland’s environmental offsets framework identified the need for a staged approach to updating Queensland’s environmental offsets framework. Consistent with the report, the Government has progressed improvements to the framework.
Amendments to the Environmental Offsets Policy have been implemented to clarify and simplify offsetting requirements, readability of the policy and improve consistency with other legislation. The changes also provide greater recognition of First Nations peoples, clarify processes to legally secure advanced offset areas and enable the co-location of multiple offset requirements where an improved conservation outcome can be achieved.
Further, a new expressions of interest process and in-demand offset tool has been published on our website to assist landholders in making more informed decisions on opportunities for offset delivery. Through the online platform, users can search for locations of where environmental offsets are needed.
Work is also underway to upgrade the offsets public register to present data in an easier to search format and improve the display of information.
As you may be aware, the Australian Government is reviewing its approach to environmental offsets as part of its Nature Positive reforms. An overview of proposed Commonwealth reforms is available at EPBC Act reform - DCCEEW . Given the strong support for alignment with Commonwealth offsetting policies, regulatory reforms to Queensland’s environmental offset framework will be progressed once nature positive reforms are better understood.
Please email offsetsreview@des.qld.gov.au if you require further information.