Past programs – Cleanaway New Chum 2022
In February 2022, local rain events resulted in a large volume of stormwater accumulating in a landfill cell (known as cell 3B) at the Cleanaway Solid Waste Pty Ltd (Cleanaway) New Chum facility.
The water became contaminated with wastes from the site and this mixture became anaerobic through fermentation, releasing hydrogen sulphide (H2S) (rotten egg gas).
The department took action to ensure those responsible for the odour ceased impacting the community and the issues were resolved as quickly as possible.
By October 2022, the affected cell was empty of water, community complaints about odour issues had significantly reduced and air monitoring results were generally below nuisance levels.
In March 2023, the department charged Cleanaway with a number of offences in relation to its New Chum facility, including wilfully causing an environmental nuisance relating to odour in 2022. The specific charges are:
- One offence contrary to section 440(1) of the Environmental Protection Act 1994 (EP Act) for wilfully and unlawfully causing an environmental nuisance. The maximum penalty for an offence contrary to section 440(1) of the EP Act is $1,147,601.
- One offence contrary to section 430(2) of the EP Act for wilfully contravening a condition of an environmental authority (EA). The maximum penalty for an offence contrary to section 430(2) is $4,307,812.
- Ten offences contrary to section 430(3) of the EP Act for contravening a condition of an EA. The maximum penalty for an offence contrary to section 430(3) of the EP Act is $3,101,625.
Given the matter is now before the Court, the department will not be making any further comment at this time. Read the department’s media release.
Air quality monitoring
During this time, the department recognised the community was concerned about potential health impacts and worked with Queensland Health to undertake additional air quality monitoring between April and December 2022. This included:
- monitoring at three locations across the Cleanaway New Chum site on 6 and 7 April
- real time hydrogen sulphide monitoring within the community
- community monitoring (air canisters) at households between April and December.
During the response, real time hydrogen sulphide monitoring results were available online. Community monitoring results from 42 canister samples were also published online, with the results and a fact sheet to help understand the data.
Key findings
The air monitoring program found hydrogen sulphide levels remained below the Environmental Protection (Air) Policy health and wellbeing objectives.
However, the Environmental Protection (Air) Policy nuisance objective was exceeded.
The highest levels during this period were measured toward the end of May. The results typically showed elevated levels of hydrogen sulfide during the afternoon, later evening and early morning. This coincided with community reports received through the Pollution Hotline.
The concentrations for volatile organic compounds consistently returned readings that were below levels that would affect health. This was the case for both the onsite sampling in April and the longer term community canister sampling program. Three exceedances were identified and resampled, with local contamination believed to have impacted the original samples as follow up results indicated no exceedances.
The air quality results on this page are split into:
DES air monitoring in the community
Key findings – April to November 2022
The air monitoring program conducted between April and November 2022, found H2S levels remained below the Environmental Protection (Air) Policy health and wellbeing objectives. However, the Environmental Protection (Air) Policy nuisance objective was exceeded which explains why community members reported odour issues.
The results showed elevated levels of hydrogen sulfide during the afternoon, later evening and early morning which coincides with community reports received through the Pollution Hotline.
As of 26 October 2022, the results reflected six months of measuring hydrogen sulfide in the community. The highest levels during this period were measured toward the end of May, soon after a period of significant rain and more flooding of the affected Cleanaway landfill cell.
H2S concentrations monitored have been trending downwards since May and correlate to the fewer number of community reports received by the department.
The table below shows only those analytes that were detected by the laboratory.
Carlyle Street, Riverview
Cathryn Court, Collingwood Park
Brigalow Lane, Redbank
Tambo Court, Collingwood Park
Hanlon Court, Collingwood Park
Currawong Street, Bundamba Park
Johnstone Place, Riverview
Perry Street, Redbank Plains
Grenadier Circle, Ebbw Vale
Hubert Street, Dinmore
Air monitoring by community members
Key findings
During the Cleanaway New Chum odour issues air monitoring program, 43 air monitoring canisters were deployed to volunteer community members. Residents were encouraged to take an air sample when odour was at its worst. The canisters were sent to a lab for analysis, results were reviewed, sent to residents and published on this page.
The canisters measure VOCs and were capable of measuring 74 different types of analytes. the concentrations for VOCs (measured for approximately 30 seconds) were consistently below the longer-term (1 hour) guidelines which are based on minimising risks to human health. Only those analytes that were detected are presented in the data. The sample concentrations are measured in parts per billion (ppb).
Throughout the program, the canisters consistently returned readings that were below levels that would affect health.
There are three instances at a Dinmore address where levels exceeded the short-term health-based guidelines (indicated in red in the tables below). Department officers consulted the resident and confirmed an on-site source had affected the results. New samples were taken and were below the guidelines for all detected VOCs.
Results could not be published for sample 22KS3677. The sample was taken in June and the department was contacted to arrange collection and lab analysis in September. Unfortunately, air samples have an expiration date. In the case of these devices, an air sample must be analysed within 31 days of being collected or the results are unreliable and invalid.
During December 2022 and January 2023, the department will be in touch with a small number of residents who still have canister devices to find out if they wish to take an air sample or return the device. If air samples are taken, this page will be updated with the results.
The department would like to thank residents who participated in the program and took the time to answer a survey about the program. The survey generated helpful feedback that will be used to inform future community air monitoring programs.
The table below shows only those analytes that were detected by the laboratory.
Date sampled | Location | Sample ID | n-butane | Cyclohexane | Propene | 1,3-Butadiene | Toluene | Ethanol | Isopropyl alcohol | Acetone | Methyl ethyl ketone | Chloro-methane | Chloroform | tert-Butanol | n-Pentane | Isopropyl-benzene | Ethyl-benzene | m- & p-Xylene | o-Xylene |
13 April 2.45pm |
Collingwood Park McCorry Drive | 22KS1583 | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | 1.5 | not detected | 1.4 | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected |
14 April 5.20pm |
Riverview Carlyle Street | 22KS128 | 1 | not detected | 1.3 | not detected | 0.6 | 3.1 | 0.5 | 0.6 | not detected | 0.6 | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected |
15 April 2.45am |
Collingwood Park Hanlon Court | 22KS129 | 1.7 | not detected | 1.4 | not detected | 0.6 | 3.8 | 0.7 | 0.7 | not detected | 0.7 | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected |
19 April 7.00am |
Collingwood Park Cathryn Court | 22KS127 | 1.7 | not detected | 1.3 | not detected | not detected | 3 | not detected | 0.6 | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected |
20 April 5.45am | Brigalow Lane | 22KS1691 | 4.4 | not detected | 3.1 | not detected | 1.3 | 4.5 | not detected | 1.5 | not detected | 0.9 | not detected | not detected | 0.7 | 0.5 | not detected | not detected | not detected |
26 April 10.20am |
Bundamba Currawong St | 22KS1659 | 1.9 | not detected | 0.7 | not detected | 0.6 | 9 | not detected | 0.8 | not detected | 0.5 | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected |
27 April 7.28pm |
Boovall Cothill Road | 22KS1657 | 0.5 | not detected | not detected | not detected | 0.8 | 15 | not detected | 0.6 | not detected | 0.5 | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected |
12 April |
Riverview Carlyle Street | 22KS1658 | 0.6 | not detected | 0.8 | not detected | not detected | 60 | not detected | 0.9 | not detected | 0.6 | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected |
Date sampled | Location | Sample ID | n-butane | Cyclohexane | Propene | 1,3-Butadiene | Toluene | Ethanol | Isopropyl alcohol | Acetone | Methyl ethyl ketone | Chloro-methane | Chloroform | tert-Butanol | n-Pentane | Isopropyl-benzene | Ethyl-benzene | m- & p-Xylene | o-Xylene |
1 May 5.57pm |
Collingwood Park Guerin Court | 22KS1655 | 7.5 | not detected | 4.1 | not detected | not detected | 25 | 1.6 | 3 | not detected | 0.7 | 0.6 | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected |
1 May |
Bundamba Cooneana Street | 22KS1679 | not detected | not detected | 1.3 | not detected | not detected | 450 | not detected | 5.1 | not detected | not detected | not detected | 2.5 | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected |
1 May 8.50pm |
Collingwood Park Eagle Street | 22KS1740 | 2.1 | not detected | 1.3 | not detected | not detected | 20 | not detected | 0.9 | not detected | 1.2 | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected |
6 May 10.00am |
Collingwood Park Burdekin Street | 22KS1748 | 1.5 | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | 7.8 | not detected | 2.9 | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected |
1 May 9.00pm |
Collingwood Park Tone Street | 22KS1756 | 1.9 | not detected | 1.5 | 0.8 | not detected | 2.8 | not detected | 1.3 | not detected | 0.6 | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected |
6 May 8.35pm |
Collingwood Park Brenda Court | 22KS1755 | 6.4 | 0.5 | 1.7 | not detected | not detected | 28 | 0.9 | 0.8 | not detected | 1 | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected |
Not available |
Redbank Plains Percy Lane | 22KS1758 | 1.9 | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | 13 | not detected | 0.9 | not detected | 0.6 | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected |
4 May 7.30pm |
Redbank Plains Cotton Crescent | 22KS1775 | 3.6 | not detected | 0.6 | not detected | 0.6 | 12 | not detected | 1.2 | 0.5 | 0.7 | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected |
17 May 7.08am |
Redbank Plains Nicholis Drive | 22KS1797 | 5 | not detected | not detected | 1.2 | not detected | 0.6 | 8 | not detected | 1.2 | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected |
Not available |
Redbank Plains Benjamin Drive | 22KS2056 | 1.7 | not detected | not detected | 1 | not detected | not detected | 10 | not detected | 1.1 | not detected | 1 | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected |
17 May 11.00pm |
Collingwood Park Forgan Smith Drive | 22KS2072 | 0.9 | not detected | not detected | 0.9 | not detected | not detected | 3.1 | not detected | 2.1 | not detected | 1.1 | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected |
19 May 8.50am |
Collingwood Park Avoca Court | 22KS2073 | 0.6 | not detected | not detected | 0.6 | not detected | not detected | 8.2 | not detected | 0.8 | not detected | 0.8 | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected |
13 May 8.30am |
Bundamba Vale Street | 22KS2074 | 2 | not detected | not detected | 0.7 | not detected | not detected | 18 | not detected | 1.5 | not detected | 0.7 | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected |
20 May 8.45am |
Blackstone High Street | 22KS2075 | 0.6 | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | 4.5 | not detected | 0.5 | not detected | 0.6 | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected |
30 May 8.14pm |
Riverview Mitchell Street | 22KS2168 | 7 | not detected | 2.6 | not detected | not detected | 19 | 1.5 | 1.7 | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | 0.6 | not detected | not detected | not detected |
30 May 11.00am |
Brookwater Botanic Crescent | 22KS2190 | 2.3 | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | 3 | not detected | 0.9 | not detected | 0.6 | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected |
25 May 7.10am |
Collingwood Park Quartz Court | 22KS2084 | 4.8 | not detected | 2.1 | not detected | not detected | 12 | 1.4 | 3.2 | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected |
17 May 6.45am |
Collingwood Park Tone Drive | 22KS2085 | 5.5 | not detected | 1.5 | not detected | not detected | 4.4 | not detected | 2.9 | not detected | 0.5 | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected |
25 May 2.38am |
Collingwood Park Maudsley Crescent | 22KS2086 | 3.6 | not detected | 1.5 | not detected | not detected | 1.1 | not detected | 0.6 | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | 0.5 | not detected | not detected | not detected |
28 May 3.00pm |
Collingwood Park Reerden Street | 22KS2114 | 1.5 | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | 3.5 | not detected | 0.5 | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected |
1 May 10.15am |
Dinmore Hubert Street | 22KS1656 | 5.8 | not detected | 1 | not detected | 7,000 * | 30,000 * | 10 | 18 | 12 | 0.6 | not detected | 3.8 | not detected | not detected | 8.8 | not detected | not detected |
End of May 7.15am |
Collingwood Park Goss Drive | 22KS2779 | 3.2 | not detected | 4.8 | not detected | 0.6 | 16 | 1.2 | 3.2 | not detected | 1.3 | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected |
* There are three Hubert Street, Dinmore results with sampling dates of 1 May, 23 June and 24 June 2022. The original sample collected was compromised due to the sampling location being close to a source of high levels of two VOC compounds at the residence. This resulted in an exceedance of the short-term health-based guidelines which are based on minimising risks to human health for Ethanol and Toluene (represented in the above table as red shaded cells). After the initial results were received, department officers consulted the resident to confirm where the sample was taken and if there was an on-site source likely to have caused the high results. With help from the resident, additional samples were taken in June. Both re-sampled results collected were below the guidelines for all detected VOCs.
Date sampled | Location | Sample ID | n-butane | Cyclohexane | Propene | 1,3-Butadiene | Toluene | Ethanol | Isopropyl alcohol | Acetone | Methyl ethyl ketone | Chloro-methane | Chloroform | tert-Butanol | n-Pentane | Isopropyl-benzene | Ethyl-benzene | m- & p-Xylene | o-Xylene |
7 June 2.30pm |
Redbank Plains Banks Court | 22KS2189 | 2.3 | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | 140 | not detected | 0.8 | not detected | 0.6 | not detected | not detected | 17 | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected |
8 June 4.45pm |
Redbank Plains Perry Street | 22KS2226 | 0.7 | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | 2.9 | not detected | 0.9 | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected |
16 June 7.25pm |
Redbank Plains Alawoona Street | 22KS2308 | 1.5 | not detected | 0.6 | not detected | not detected | 11 | not detected | 0.9 | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | 1 | not detected | not detected | not detected |
23 June 3.05pm |
Dinmore Hubert Street | 22KS2413 | 1.2 | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | 32 | not detected | 2.3 | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | 1.9 | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected |
24 June 8.50pm |
Dinmore Hubert Street | 22KS2441 | 4.7 | not detected | 4.7 | not detected | 0.8 | 62 | not detected | 3.8 | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | 1.1 | not detected | 1.7 | 0.6 |
Date sampled | Location | Sample ID | n-butane | Cyclohexane | Propene | 1,3-Butadiene | Toluene | Ethanol | Isopropyl alcohol | Acetone | Methyl ethyl ketone | Chloro-methane | Chloroform | tert-Butanol | n-Pentane | Isopropyl-benzene | Ethyl-benzene | m- & p-Xylene | o-Xylene |
1 July 8.07am |
Redbank Plains Shanahan Parade | 22KS2446 | 1.5 | not detected | 1.1 | not detected | not detected | 107 | not detected | 0.7 | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | 1.4 | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected |
25 July 9.35pm |
Riverview Dawn Parade | 22KS2716 | 2.4 | not detected | 2.6 | not detected | 0.8 | 25 | 1.3 | 2.6 | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | 0.7 | not detected | not detected | not detected |
Not available |
Booval Cothill Road | 22KS2719 | 1 | not detected | 2.3 | not detected | 0.6 | 4.3 | not detected | 1.4 | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | 0.9 | not detected | not detected | not detected |
Date sampled | Location | Sample ID | n-butane | Cyclohexane | Propene | 1,3-Butadiene | Toluene | Ethanol | Isopropyl alcohol | Acetone | Methyl ethyl ketone | Chloro-methane | Chloroform | tert-Butanol | n-Pentane | Isopropyl-benzene | Ethyl-benzene | m- & p-Xylene | o-Xylene |
6 September 6.59pm |
Ripley McLean Street | 22KS3757 | 0.5 | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | 5.3 | not detected | 0.8 | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected |
Date sampled | Location | Sample ID | n-butane | Cyclohexane | Propene | 1,3-butadiene | Toluene | Ethanol | Isopropyl alcohol | Acetone | Methyl ethyl ketone | Chloro-methane | Chloroform | tert-Butanol | n-Pentane | Isopropy-lbenzene | Ethyl-benzene | m- & p-Xylene | o-Xylene |
8 December 9.55pm |
Riverview Maxwell Street | 22KS5914 | 2.2 | not detected | 0.6 | not detected | not detected | 41 | 1.0 | 2.1 | not detected | 0.7 | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected |
Results could not be published for sample 22KS3677. The sample was taken in June and the department was contacted to arrange collection and lab analysis in September. Unfortunately, air samples have an expiration date. In the case of these devices, an air sample must be analysed within 31 days of being collected or the results are unreliable and invalid.
not detected | Below the limit of reporting and not detected |
Below the short-term health-based guidelines published by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) *Ontario Ministry for Environment – Ambient air quality criteria (Propene) | |
Above the short-term health-based guidelines published by TCEQ. |
DES air monitoring results at the Cleanaway New Chum site
The table below shows only those analytes that were detected by the laboratory.
Site: Cleanaway New Chum landfill site
Date of testing: 6–7 April 2022
Type: Results
Key findings
The results of the short-term monitoring (⁓30 secs) indicate that the concentration of VOCs in the air are below longer term (1 hour) guideline values that may cause a risk to human health. The sample concentrations are measured in parts per billion (ppb).
Summary of results
Date and time | n-butane | Propene | m-&-p Xylene | Isopropyl benzene | Carbon disulfide | Ethanol | Isopropyl alcohol | Chloroform | Acetone | Chloro-methane |
6 April 9.05am | not detected | not detected | not detected | 0.8 | 0.6 | 1.8 | not detected | 3.4 | 1.5 | 1.2 |
7 April 7.32am | 1.2 | 1* | not detected | not detected | not detected | 2.7 | not detected | 0.5 | 0.9 | 0.9 |
Date and time | n-butane | Propene | m-&-p Xylene | Isopropyl benzene | Carbon disulfide | Ethanol | Isopropyl alcohol | Chloroform | Acetone | Chloro-methane |
6 April 9.26am | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | 15 | not detected | not detected | 0.6 | not detected |
7 April 7.45am | 0.7 | 1.7* | not detected | 0.6 | not detected | 2.3 | not detected | 1.1 | 1.3 | 0.9 |
Date and time | n-butane | Propene | m-&-p Xylene | Isopropyl benzene | Carbon disulfide | Ethanol | Isopropyl alcohol | Chloroform | Acetone | Chloro-methane |
6 April 9.42am | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | not detected | 0.9 | not detected | 2.2 | 1.6 | 1 |
7 April 8.20am | not detected | 1.6* | 0.7 | 1.2 | not detected | 5.6 | 0.5 | 3.1 | 2.6 | 1.2 |
not detected | Below the limit of reporting and not detected |
Below the short-term health-based guidelines published by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) *Ontario Ministry for Environment – Ambient air quality criteria (Propene) | |
Above the short-term health-based guidelines published by TCEQ. |