Fishing in Croc Country

If you fish in Croc Country, expect crocodiles to be nearby.

Crocodiles are attracted to good fishing spots as much as people are. Fish and crabs are an important food source for crocodiles.

Spearfishers are at high risk of attack because they are in the water and injured fish will attract both crocodiles and sharks.

Be vigilant when fishing in Croc Country to reduce your risk of a crocodile attack.

  1. Keep your distance from the water while fishing.

    Stay 5 metres back from the water’s edge and never stand on logs or branches overhanging the water.

  2. Never stand in water to cast off.

    A crocodile can attack even if you are in shallow water for a short time.

  3. Keep your arms, legs and head away from the edge of boats, jetties or pontoons.  
  4. Throw cast nets from your boat or a jetty.

    Crocodiles can attack people on the water’s edge. Standing in or close to the water when cast netting puts you in danger.

  5. If a crocodile grabs your catch, leave it.

    Move as far away as possible while the crocodile is distracted.

  6. If your lure gets caught, consider it gone.
    It’s not worth losing your limb or life trying to retrieve it.

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Going fishing in Croc Country? Here’s a couple of tips.

When launching your boat, best to climb over the front without getting your feet wet.

Never dangle your arms and legs over the side. If you do fall in, get out of the water and back into the boat as quickly as possible.

Stay away from any areas that show signs of crocodiles, such as mudslides. There may be a croc close by that could approach the boat.

If you are sitting or pulling in a crab pot, stay within your boat. Don't lean over the edge or disturb the water too much.

If casting, try not to tie off around your wrist or waist, you may find yourself being pulled in.

If you get a snag, don't worry about your lure. Just cut the line. A $10.00 replacement is cheap compared to losing your life.

And remember, never get closer than 10 metres to a crocodile in the wild. Just in case.

Seeing a crocodile in the wild is an amazing experience. But remember, stay safe. Be Crocwise in Croc Country.