Monitoring endangered Carpentarian grass wrens in spinifex country

Aims and overview

Indjalandji-Dhidhanu Aboriginal Corporation (IDAC) rangers partner with Birdlife Australia, Lake Eyre Basin Rangers and a PHD student at the University of Queensland (UQ) to research and monitor the endangered Carpentarian grass wren.

Previous surveys have been undertaken on Thorntonia and Split Rock Pastoral Stations, as well as along Ilaga Thuwani / Georgina River. One species of the Carpentarian grass wren is presumed extinct, and the remaining three have experienced declines. Further research is essential to ensure conservation of the species through understanding of species ecology.

The Indjalandji-Dhidhanu people are developing a range of modern applications from spinifex grass, using nano particles and nano fibres. Carpentarian grass wrens are known to nest on top of some types of spinifex grass hummocks — an awareness of this behaviour is important when assessing the best way to harvest some spinifex grass types into the future.

View larger image Rangers in spinifex country using monitoring equipment. Enlarge image
Thorntonia Station and Undilla Station Grasswren survey team October 2023
Indjalandji-Dhidhanu Aboriginal Corporation

Activities and outcomes

During 2023-24, two surveys were undertaken at Thorntonia and Undilla Stations (Oct 2023) and Wiliyan-ngurru National Park. Neither survey identified any Carpentarian grass wrens, although a grass wren egg was located.

IDAC rangers have increased their awareness of the endangered Carpentarian grass wren, and an understanding of its nesting habitats on Indjalandji-Dhidhanu country, including spinifex hummocks. They have learnt about the birds’ different calls, how to find them, and how to identify sexes and different species (e.g. Carpentarian or Kalkadoon grass wrens).

IDAC rangers have gained understanding and skills in survey techniques, including ‘birdcall and Playback’ which involves standing back-to-back and projecting song in all directions using a Bluetooth speaker. They also learnt techniques to catch the birds using ghost nets. IDAC rangers now understand the importance of data collection and reporting, and have the skills to undertake further surveys and share the results.

The project resulted in an enhanced understanding of the threatened nature of the Carpentarian grass wren and its habitat on Indjalandji-Dhidhanu country. It resulted in strong partnerships with the Lake Eyre Basin rangers, Birdlife Australia and the University of Queensland.

View larger image Small bird egg in spinifex grass Enlarge image
Grasswren egg, Thorntonia Station October 2023
Indjalandji-Dhidhanu Aboriginal Corporation

Learning and next steps

Learnings include the need to undertake surveys more frequently, with the focus on known bird habitat locations.

This project will be undertaken annually or bi-annually in conjunction with partners, to monitor numbers and habitat to ensure the Carpentarian grass wren thrives in the future. The IDAC rangers will invite UQ to participate during the 2024-25 period to further build capability within the ranger team.