Scientific research on Mithaka Country

View larger image Rangers pushing a magnetometer along a sandy track Enlarge image
Ranger Dakota (L) and Ranger Monica (center) assisting UQ researchers with a magnetometer. This equipment, using high performance Ground Penetrating Radar, shows areas of carbonisation indicating ancient hearths. The location in this image is a well-documented Indigenous camp/village site on Mithaka Country.
Mithaka Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC

Aims and overview

Mithaka Rangers partner with researchers from seven universities to study archaeological and environmental aspects of Mithaka Country.  This includes examining how human populations have lived in the region and utilised its resources, and how the landscape has changed over time.

Being involved in research is important to Mithaka Rangers and has validated what they have always known about the long and significant social history on Mithaka Country.

Participating in research on-country reinvigorates Mithaka people’s connections and knowledge and provides opportunities to learn new skills. Mithaka people can also guide the research, ensuring it is culturally appropriate, and ensuring cultural knowledge contributions are recognised. Importantly, the research results provide the evidence that ‘rewrites’ the history books, affirming Mithaka peoples’ long and complex connections with and use of Country and its resources.

View larger image Rangers working with field equipment under shady trees Enlarge image
Lake Eyre Basin Rangers, Tony (L) and Frank (R) assisting Mithaka Rangers and Griffith University researcher with photogrammetry of grindstone blanks. Rangers took between 3000 and 4000 images per day over a 5-day period.
Mithaka Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC

Activities and outcomes

Mithaka Rangers have been involved in many research projects in previous years. During 2023-24, rangers participated in four on-country field trips with various research teams on Mithaka Country.

Before the field trips, rangers provided logistics and planning support, established and communicated cultural protocols, and made sure the researchers’ plans were realistic and safe. During the field trips, rangers participated in hands-on research tasks such as sediment coring in sand dunes and swales, photogrammetry and magnetometer operations and excavations of artefact sites.

There have been many outcomes and benefits from these research partnerships.

Sharing information about the archaeology of Mithaka Country with wider communities has prompted the return of several artefacts. Rangers have become proficient Cultural Heritage Officers and those who have left for other employment have continued to advocate for tangible Cultural Heritage where they work.

Research has provided evidence of environmental changes across Mithaka landscapes with a focus on archaeology, ethnobotany, sedimentary movements, and changes and impacts on waterways, improving knowledge of Country.

Rangers have gained skills and further career opportunities. Several Mithaka people have been inspired to pursue tertiary studies and careers in related fields such as archaeology and ecology, as well as build skills in co-curatorship of exhibitions.

Mithaka Rangers have learned or re-invigorated their connections to Country through language, archaeology, science, and guidance from Mithaka Elders and Mithaka staff.

The broader Mithaka team has been involved in co-curating a ground-breaking exhibition: Kirrenderri, Heart of the Channel Country, commissioned by the University of Queensland Anthropology Museum. The exhibition explores Mithaka history and connection to Country, while incorporating European settler history and scientific research. The exhibition, and associated school education kit, has shone a spotlight on Mithaka Country.

Some of the research findings about Mithaka people’s social history will soon be incorporated into the Australian National Curriculum. This significant achievement will rewrite the previously accepted history taught in schools, debunking myths about ‘nomadic hunter gatherers’ and celebrating the complexity and sophistication of Mithaka society in the Channel Country.

View larger image Rangers in red dirt spinifex country with research equipment Enlarge image
Ranger Zac (L) helping Monash and Griffith researchers with coring on a sand dune on Mithaka Country. The sediments from the cores are dated to find the age of the dune and to determine the movement of sediments that had built the dunes. Core samples are also tested for carbon (charcoal) to date bush fires, and seed/plant material to see if there is a change of botany from the current landscape from the dated periods.
Mithaka Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC

Learning and next steps

Mithaka Rangers have learned that research trips take significant investment of time for the whole team. Rangers have also learned that deadlines and limits on the level of support provided are important, as some research programs have extended beyond their proposed end dates.

In future, Mithaka Rangers will continue to support research on country but want to ensure that research is completed within the contracted time frame, with continuous communication from researchers. Rangers also want to ensure that the logistics and costs of field trips do not interfere with their work plan, that Mithaka people are adequately compensated for their involvement in research as experts on Country, and that costs incurred by Mithaka Rangers are included in future research budgets.