River improvement trusts
River improvement trusts are established to protect and improve rivers. They are responsible for improving the flow of water in rivers to correct erosion and reduce the impact of flood waters.
River improvement trusts may carry out activities within a river improvement area to prepare for and recover from a disaster. Read more about watercourse works associated with emergencies and disasters.
The trusts are statutory bodies constituted under the River Improvement Trust Act 1940, which gives them the power to raise funds, enter land, occupy land, enter into contracts and carry out works.
There are 11 river improvement trusts in Queensland, supported by the State Council of River Trusts Queensland Inc. See a list of river improvement trusts and their contact details.
Review of river improvement trusts
The Department of Local Government, Water and Volunteers is undertaking a review of the trusts. This review will examine the environmental outcomes achieved by trusts and how they are being delivered, as well as any barriers to achieving these outcomes. This will help the government and stakeholders identify opportunities to deliver these outcomes in a more effective, economical, accountable and transparent way.
As part of the review, the department will consult with trusts and the organisations that support and work with them to get their input.
For further information, email StatutoryAuthorities@rdmw.qld.gov.au.
Annual reports and strategic plans
You can find out more about the activities and plans of river improvements trusts in their annual report and strategic plan.
- Strategic plans – river improvement trusts (PDF, 2.45MB)
- Consolidated annual reports and financial statements for River improvement trusts
More information
For more information or for a copy of an area map for a particular river improvement trust, contact the department at StatutoryAuthorities@rdmw.qld.gov.au