About the Resilient Homes Fund
The Queensland and Australian Governments released the $741 million Resilient Homes Fund to help Queenslanders across 39 local government areas whose homes were impacted by the 2021-2022 flood event.
Registrations of interest for the Resilient Homes Fund have closed.
If you are already registered in the program and planning to sell your home, all works must be completed and payments drawn prior to the sale of the home.
If you sell your home before funding is fully drawn, you will no longer be eligible for grant funding under the Resilient Homes Fund. This also includes retrospective claims to fund works which may be in progress or which have already been completed.
The funded programs
Eligible homeowners can apply for funding to repair (enhance resilience), raise, or demolish and rebuild or relocate their flood-affected homes.
Voluntary Home Buy-Back was available for the most severely impacted homes and those at the greatest risk of future flooding. We have closed the Voluntary Home Buy-Back program because all properties have now been identified.
Repair or retrofit your home
The Resilient Retrofit program provides funding to repair (enhance resilience) or retrofit your home to:
- incorporate flood resilient design and materials in liveable rooms or areas
- raise or relocate services essential to the continued liveability of the home.
Read about the types of repairs and improvements you can make to your property under the Resilient Retrofit program.
Raise your home
The Home Raising program provides funding to raise your home to reduce the impacts of future flood events.
You would need to raise your habitable floors to meet or exceed the required assessed flood level (based on the requirements of your local council and the 2021-2022 flood event level.
Read more about the Home Raising program.
Demolish and rebuild or relocate your home
You may be eligible for financial assistance to demolish and rebuild or relocate your home above the assessed flood level and 2021-2022 flood event level. This may include demolishing part of your home and relocating it.
This may be available for homes that cannot practically be raised, such as those built on concrete slabs.
Read more about demolition and rebuild or relocate options.
Deciding on a funding option
Your Home Assessment Report will highlight options and resilience measures that might help you.
If more than one funding option has been identified for your home, assess the benefits and risks, timing and costs associated with the programs and your personal circumstances to choose which option is best for you.
If you are unsure about the options listed in the report, or if you would like to check whether expansions to the program give you more options, phone the Resilient Homes Fund team on (07) 3007 4485 and select option 2 to organise a one-on-one appointment over the phone or on Microsoft Teams.
You can only receive funding under one program.
Available funding
Eligible homeowners who have received their Home Assessment Report can apply for one of the following:
- up to $50,000 (with co-contribution) toward repairing (enhancing resilience) or retrofitting their home
- up to $150,000 (with co-contribution) toward the cost of raising their home
- up to $150,000 (with no co-contribution) toward the cost of demolishing and relocating or extending their home.
If your repair/retrofitting or home raising works are estimated above these amounts and you are eligible for a home raise or resilient retrofit as listed in your original Home Assessment Report, we may split the additional cost with you on a dollar-for-dollar basis (co-contribution). For example: if a homeowner was quoted $70,000 to repair/retrofit their home, they will receive:
- the base funding of $50,000
- and a $10,000 co-contribution from the fund
- then the homeowner would contribute the remaining $10,000.
Homeowners experiencing genuine hardship (as determined by the government) may be able to have their co-contribution waived.
Note: co-contribution is not available if you choose to demolish and rebuild or relocate/extend your home and /or are eligible for the expanded home raise program.
Expansion of home raise eligibility
The home raise policy and criteria has expanded so that more registered homeowners can raise their homes.
Changes include:
- Extending the $150,000 Home Raising program (including demolition, rebuild or relocate) to eligible homeowners whose existing habitable floor level is below the assessed flood level OR the 2021-2022 flood event level. Funding is capped at $150,000.
- Introducing a $50,000 funding option to allow eligible homeowners to substitute these funds to either raise the non-habitable section of their home, where practical, or demolish and rebuild or relocate the affected non-habitable floor area (for example, a downstairs laundry or storage area) above the 2021-2022 flood event level and the assessed flood level. Funding is capped at $50,000.
If this is not achievable or practical, homeowners should progress with the Resilient Retrofit program to make their home more resilient to future flooding.
Please contact the Resilient Homes Fund on (07) 30074485 and select option 2 to learn more.
Registrations of interest to join the Resilient Homes Fund are closed.
All current participants have received their Home Assessment Report, which outlines their options or advises why their home doesn’t meet the Fund eligibility.
Eligible applicants need to apply for funding via the QRIDA portal by 1 December 2025. Your builder must have completed all work and been paid by 30 June 2026.
Check the current eligibility requirements for the Resilient Home Fund and each of the sub-programs
Next steps
- Check the step-by-step process
- Find a licenced contractor
- Get Resilient Homes Fund help
- Read the updated Guideline to accompany the Rural and Regional Adjustment Regulation 2011 (PDF, 909KB) – updated 16 May 2024