Abbreviations and symbols

Historical descriptions

​A.  ​Allotment (of Parish or of Section)
​BL.  ​Block
​DL.  ​Development Lease
​ESA.  ​Eastern Suburban Allotment
​FEA.  ​Forestry Entitlement Area
​FS.  ​Free Selection
​GA.  ​Garden Allotment
​MH.  ​Miners Homestead Leases
​ML.  ​Miners Lease
​MS.  ​Mineral Selection
​NESA.  ​North Eastern Suburban Allotment
​NP.  ​National Park
​NSA.  ​Northern Suburban Allotment
​P.  ​Portion
​PP.  ​Pre‐emptive Portion
​PPSEL.  ​Pre‐emptive Purchase Selection
​R.  ​Resubdivision
​RES.  ​Reserve
​RR.  ​Rifle Range
​RUN.  ​Holding or Pastoral Holding
​S.  ​Subdivision
​SA.  ​Suburban Allotment
​SEC.  ​Section
​SEL.  ​Selection
​SF.  ​State Forest
​SP.  ​Suburban Portion
​SSEC.  ​Suburban Section
​TR.  ​Timber Reserve
​WESA.  ​West Eastern Suburban Allotment
​WSA.  ​Western Suburban Allotment

For example: a historical description of Resubdivision 2 of Subdivision 1 of Portion 4 is entered as R.2OFS.1OFP.4

In this guide:

  1. Database names
  2. Tenure
  3. Features
  4. Valuations
  5. Lease tenure reference
  6. Survey control
  7. Survey control report content
  8. Historical descriptions
  9. Government land register

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