You can download and complete the PDF application form and apply by email, by post or in person.
Accessing certificates in hardship situations
Disaster recovery replacement certificates
If your certificates have been lost, damaged or destroyed in a declared disaster area, you may be able to apply to have your certificates replaced.
It may be possible to get one of your Queensland certificates without paying the application fee if you are experiencing financial hardship and have an immediate need for it. Each request is considered on its own merit.
A separate application must be completed for each person needing a fee-waived certificate.
If your application is approved, we will send your certificate for free by standard post.
Before you apply, read our policy about asking to waive a certificate application fee.
Documents you will need to provide
Proof of ID and supporting documents must be submitted. When submitting by post, have your documents certified by a Justice of the Peace or another authorised person.
For us to consider waiving the fee for a certificate application, the application must be submitted with:
- Evidence of financial hardship.
- Evidence of immediate need.
- Proof of ID for the person applying.
When applying for a family member’s certificate, you may need to show evidence that you are eligible to apply. Find out what you need to show for a certificate of:
Evidence of financial hardship
You must provide evidence showing why the certificate application fee can't be paid, for example a combination of your most recent:
- current healthcare or pension cards
- Centrelink support payment statement
- bank statements, payslips or proof of income
- evidence of employment circumstances
- evidence of inability to access funds, such as a letter from a
- domestic violence support service, doctor, counsellor, or social worker verifying that a domestic violence situation prevents you from accessing funds
- letter from a temporary or crisis accommodation provider verifying that the person is vulnerable and currently using their services.
You may need to provide more than 1 of these documents to show financial hardship.
Evidence of immediate need
Your application must also include evidence that shows how the certificate will fix a current problem that you are experiencing. For example:
- a letter from a school for your child, which states
- you must provide a birth certificate to the school
- a due date within 28 days of the application
- a written offer of accommodation, employment, medical treatment, or other substantial service (e.g. Centrelink) that states there is a
- requirement to provide a birth certificate (or other life event certificate) as proof of identity
- due date within 28 days of the application.