Check a charity or association
You can search this public register for free to find out if:
- a charity is authorised to fundraise in Queensland
- an association is incorporated in Queensland.
Charities or community groups do not need to register if they are:
- religious orders
- parents and citizens associations
- hospital foundations
- collectors for a registered charity (and are authorised by that charity).
This search tool is updated daily and will give you:
- the name of the organisation
- their registration number
- the postcode of their registered address.
If you don’t get a result, it could mean they:
- changed their name
- are deregistered
- have never registered
- do not exist.
Make sure you enter their details correctly.
Search the register
Hints and tips
This search tool is for charities or incorporated associations only. You can also search for businesses and individuals in industries we license.
It is for information purposes only. For official purposes you should get an official extract.
The register may generate an error message in some web browsers. If so, contact us with your enquiry.
The search function will insert an automatic wildcard at the beginning and end of your search term. For example, ‘ice’ will return ‘service’, ‘police’, ‘I.C.E.R.C’, and many other combinations.
Try to give as much of the main name as possible. You may need to check your spelling or be specific with your search terms. For example, you could try 'Basketball' for 'Basketball Club of Beaudesert'.
Your search may generate the name of an association or charity with the wording “in liquidation” or “under administration” after their name. This means that an external person has been granted control of the organisation to manage its affairs. Contact us for more information.
Full register
We can provide a list of all registered charities for $14.05.
Check if a charity has been removed from the register
Find a list of deregistered charities that were removed from the register in the past month.
Official extract
You need an official extract from the register of incorporated associations to use this information for a formal reason, such as:
- legal matters
- contracts
- employment
- any other formal purpose.
You will need to pay a fee for this service.
Contact us for an official extract.
Disclaimer and conditions of use
Data from this search is for information only. It should not be used as evidence in legal proceedings.
By using this online search facility, you acknowledge that it will not be used to process bulk requests for marketing purposes.