Solar installer fined after failing to provide services

  • Louis Damien Stockwell has pled guilty after taking $10,000 from a consumer for solar services but failing to supply.
  • Ordered to pay over $23,000 in fines and compensation.

The Office of Fair Trading (OFT) has taken Louis Damien Stockwell, trading as Quantified Energy Consulting, to court after failing to supply and install solar.

Mr Stockwell was charged in the Beaudesert Magistrate’s Court (20 June 2024) with one count of failing to supply goods and services within a reasonable time. He was fined $13,000, plus costs and ordered to pay over $10,000 in compensation.

The OFT told the court that in October 2021, Mr Stockwell accepted $10,000 from a consumer to supply and install solar. Mr Stockwell requested and promptly received the deposit of $10,000 upfront and advised installation would take between four to six weeks to complete.

After the deposit was paid, Mr Stockwell advised the consumer installation would begin in December 2021, which was outside the promised timeframe.

When the consumer contacted Mr Stockwell to express his dissatisfaction with the wait, he agreed to bring forward the services to early November. However, supply and installation never began, and the consumer requested a refund for the continued delays, which was not provided.

If a consumer has not received the goods or services they have paid for, the OFT recommends approaching the trader in the first instance. If this is unsuccessful, they should lodge a complaint with the OFT at or by calling 13 QGOV (13 74 68).

Quotes attributed to Commissioner for Fair Trading Victoria Thomson:

“Traders need to honour their commitments to consumers.

“Only one consumer was left out of pocket due to this misconduct, but this court outcome is a good reminder to traders that they must operate lawfully and deliver the products and services their customers have paid for.

“The OFT will continue to take up issues for consumers who do not receive what they have paid for”.