[Dr Ruth Barker, Mater Emergency Paediatric hospital]
For young children, home can be a dangerous place. In Queensland, 1 child every 3 days is injured when an item of furniture tips over and lands on top of them.
From a toddler's perspective, their home looks like one big playground. But they don't recognise the dangers. The trouble is, most parents don't recognise the dangers either.
[Parent talking on the phone]
Hi. How are you? Yeah, good. Yeah, really good.
Yeah, I've just got to go out at 3. I've got to get the kids from school, so….
[Video crosses to a young child reaching for a toy on top of the TV. The TV teeters dangerously. There’s a crash as the TV falls over.]
[Dr Ruth Barker, Mater Childrens Hospital Emergency pediatrician]
This is every parent's nightmare. It can happen so quickly and without any warning.
If you could see what I see every day in emergency, you would view your home very differently.
For toddlers, most injuries occur in their own home. Most tip-over injuries occur when a child climbs on the furniture.
By far the greatest hazard in your home is the TV and the cabinet that it stands on.
No one can keep an eye on their child every minute of the day. There are always jobs to do, distractions and maybe even other children to care for.
Constant vigilance isn't possible, but it is possible to make your home safer.
So how would you go about this?
Well, you could select furniture with broad and stable bases. Test the furniture in the shop to make sure it's stable
Secure potentially unstable items such as bookcases and TV cabinets to the wall using appropriate anchors.
Keep power cords out of reach.
Place any heavy appliances, particularly televisions, as far back as possible on the furniture.
Choose tables that won't tip if a child climbs onto them.
Use child resistant locks on drawers to prevent your child opening them and using them as steps.
Place an open playpen around your TV as a temporary barrier.
Stop your child from climbing on the furniture.
And please don't place any tempting items, such as toys, on top of the furniture because it will only encourage your child to climb up for them.
Your life can change in an instant. A few simple steps can make all the difference. Your child may not get a second chance.
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