Victim register – adult offenders

If you’ve experienced a violent or sexual crime (including domestic and family violence) or you’re worried for your safety, you may be eligible for the Queensland Corrective Services (QCS) Victims Register.

The Victims Register can give you information about an adult offender according to the Corrective Services Act 2006 (CSA).

If the offender is under 18, refer to Victims register – youth.

Duration 00:01:22

If you feel unsafe or are the victim of a violent or sexual offence, including domestic and family violence, you may be able to register with the Victims Register.

The Victims Register supports those affected by crime by providing important details about the individual that harmed them, like their sentence and release dates.

You may want someone else to receive this information for you. This can be a family member, friend or a support person.

You can apply to join the Victims Register once the individual’s court matters and sentencing are finalised.

The individual will not be informed of your registration.

If you’re not sure if you’re eligible, contact us for more information.

Visit and search for ‘Victims Register’.

You can also contact the Victims Register on 1800 098 098 or via email at

On this page:

Who is eligible

You can apply to register against an adult offender if you:

  • are the actual victim of a violent or sexual offence (regardless of your age)
  • are the immediate family of a victim of a violent or sexual offence who is now deceased
  • are the parent or guardian of a victim of a violent or sexual offence and they either
    • are under 18 years old
    • have impaired capacity
  • have evidence of domestic violence committed by the offender
  • have documented evidence of the offender committing violence against you
  • have a connection with the offence that puts your life or physical safety in danger (e.g. a witness).

An immediate family member is the person's:

  • spouse
  • child or stepchild
  • parent or step-parent
  • brother or stepbrother
  • sister or stepsister
  • grandparent
  • legal guardian.

For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander applicants, we must consider a person who is regarded as an immediate family member under Aboriginal tradition or Island custom.

Learn more in schedule 4 of the CSA.

Information you can receive

We must give you certain information about the offender if you are on the victims register.

This information is confidential.

Sentencing changes

  • Their eligibility for discharge or release
  • Their date of discharge or release
  • The length of their sentence
  • The results of parole applications and decisions
  • For No Body No Parole (NBNP) prisoners, whether a no cooperation declaration is in force. We will tell you when
    • NBNP hearings are scheduled
    • NBNP outcomes are published online
  • For restricted prisoners (RP), whether an RP declaration is made. We will tell you when Parole Board Queensland is seeking submissions from victims

Location changes

  • If they escape custody
  • Their current QCS location
  • Their movement or transfer between QCS facilities, interstate or overseas
  • their deportation or removal status

Health or personal information changes

  • if they legally change their name
  • details of a registered reassignment or sex change
  • if they pass away

Other information

  • Any particular circumstances relating to the prisoner that could reasonably be expected to endanger your life or physical safety
  • Other exceptional events relating to the prisoner

People not managed by QCS

We may not be able to give you information about a person we don’t supervise, such as someone who is:

  • sentenced to a wholly suspended sentence
  • subject to an operational period of a suspended sentence.

When to apply

Once the offender’s sentencing has been finalised by the courts you can apply to the register.

This means the person you register against must:

  • have been sentenced to an offence
  • have been ordered to time in prison or on parole, or another relevant order in the CSA for that offence
  • be in a QCS correctional facility or in the community being supervised by QCS on a relevant order
  • if not being managed by QCS, be a homicide offender.

The person you register against won’t be told that you applied or registered.

Learn more in the When to apply factsheet.

How to apply

To apply:

  1. complete an application form
  2. attach your proof of identity (ID)
  3. submit to Victims Register by email or post.

Download application to register (form 49)


To refer a victim to us, complete a referral to register (form 49A).

We also accept warm referrals—call 1800 098 098 or use our enquiry form.

Proof of ID

Your ID does not need to be certified.

It can be a photo or copy of a driver’s license, healthcare card or any other form of ID.

Submit by email

Send a scanned copy of your completed form and copy of your proof of ID to

Submit by post

Post your completed form and proof of ID to:

Queensland Corrective Services Victims Register
GPO Box 1054

Ask someone else to receive information

You can nominate someone else to receive information on your behalf if you:

  • don’t want to have direct contact with us
  • need extra help.

This can be a person or an agency.

To nominate someone, complete a nominee form.

After you apply

If your application is approved, we will send you (or your nominee) correspondence to confirm your registration as an eligible person.

In it, we will outline the sentence, release date, parole eligibility dates and location of the person you are registered against. It will also include your unique reference number.

Benefits and your rights

The QCS Victims Register supports victims and eligible persons. We tell you about important sentencing events of the prisoner(s) you have registered against. We also uphold your rights as a victim.

If you are registered, you will be contacted and invited to:

  • provide a submission to the Parole Board Queensland when the prisoner
    • applies for parole (excluding exceptional circumstances parole)
    • is being considered for restricted prisoner declaration
  • attend No Body No Parole hearings and decisions.

You may also be contacted and invited to provide a submission to the Supreme Court when a prisoner or offender is managed under the Dangerous Prisoners (Sexual Offenders) Act 2003.

Ending your registration

You can change your mind at any time and ask to be removed from the register.

Otherwise, your registration is closed when the person you are registered against is no longer under QCS supervision—unless they are a homicide offender.

If they are a homicide offender, your registration with the victims register won’t be closed. However the information we can provide may be limited if they are not under our supervision.


Your safety and privacy are important to us. Victims Register stores all information securely and confidentially.

We don’t tell the offender about your application or registration. We won’t release information to anyone other than you or your nominee (unless required by the Corrective Services Act 2006, other legislation or a court order).

Information we give you

All information you receive from us must be kept confidential.

You can discuss relevant information (such as the prisoner’s discharge date) with a third party to support your safety planning needs (e.g. a domestic and family violence support service).

If it’s not to plan for your own safety, you and your nominee must not share information publicly.

Learn more in the Legal information for eligible persons factsheet.

Find support and more information

Contact QCS Victims Register

Use our online enquiry form or the below details to contact us.

1800 098 098 (within Australia) or +6 17 3565 7470 (International)
Text message
0429 869 098
QCS Victims Register
GPO Box 1054
Business hours
8am–5pm, Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays.