Camping fees
Fees for camping permits in Queensland’s parks and forests, from 1 July 2023:
- $7.25 per person per night, or $29.00 per family per night;
- $4.00 per person per night for students and accompanying adults on approved educational excursions.
Family rate
For camping fees, a family group is defined as one or two adults and accompanying children under 18, up to a total of 8 people. Children under 5 years of age are free.
Example 1
Group: 2 adults + 3 to 6 children
Fees: 1 family
Total fee—$29.00 per night
Example 2
Group: 3 adults + 5 children
Fees: 1 family ($29.00) + 1 adult ($7.25)
Total fee—$36.25 per night
Nights | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | One |
1 | $7.25 | $14.50 | $21.75 | $29.00 | $35.25 | $43.50 | $50.75 | $29.00 |
2 | $14.50 | $29.00 | $43.50 | $58.00 | $72.50 | $87.00 | $101.50 | $58.00 |
3 | $21.75 | $43.50 | $65.25 | $87.00 | $108.75 | $130.50 | $152.25 | $87.00 |
4 | $29.00 | $58.00 | $87.00 | $116.00 | $145.00 | $174.00 | $203.00 | $116.00 |
5 | $36.25 | $72.50 | $108.75 | $145.00 | $181.25 | $217.50 | $253.75 | $145.00 |
6 | $43.50 | $87.00 | $130.50 | $174.00 | $217.50 | $261.00 | $304.50 | $174.00 |
7 | $50.75 | $101.50 | $152.25 | $203.00 | $253.75 | $304.50 | $355.25 | $203.00 |
8 | $58.00 | $116.00 | $174.00 | $232.00 | $290.00 | $348.00 | $406.00 | $232.00 |
9 | $65.25 | $130.50 | $195.75 | $261.00 | $326.25 | $391.50 | $456.75 | $261.00 |
10 | $72.50 | $145.00 | $217.50 | $290.00 | $362.50 | $435.00 | $507.50 | $290.00 |
Download the Camping fees (PDF for printing purposes) .