Generator use
Queensland's parks and forests are for the enjoyment of all visitors. Many visitors value our parks and forests for their peace and quiet and do not want to be disturbed by the sound of generators. Generator noise can also disturb native wildlife.
Generators are not permitted in most parks or forests in Queensland. Please consider alternatives such as solar panels, inverters or 'charging while driving'.
There are some parks and forests in Queensland where a generator is allowed to be used.
Generator usage conditions
In parks and forests where generator use is allowed, there may be restrictions on noise level output and hours of use.
Only low decibel (dB) generators, up to 2.0 Kva, with a maximum noise level output of up to 65 dB at 7 m are appropriate in our camp sites, unless otherwise specified.
Check specific park pages for other generator restrictions, including hours of use, in place for each camp site.
To reduce the risk of starting a wildfire from your generator, please:
- locate the generator in an area clear of fuels, dry grass or other combustible objects
- ensure extension cords do not cross access tracks and are rated for external use
- ensure you follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for safe operation of your generator
- ensure you are present whenever the generator is operating
- never use the generator on days of local fire ban.
Generators for medical purposes or disability aid
Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service aims to ensure our parks and forests are accessible to all, including people with disabilities needing the support of aids for medical purposes.
In areas where generator use is not allowed, the use of a small low dB generator (up to 2.0 Kva) to charge auxiliary batteries to run a medical device is allowed. A current medical certificate stating the medical condition and the necessity of the medical appliance is needed.
Where can I use a generator?
Find out which parks and forests in each region allow the use of generators:
Statewide | Around Brisbane | Around Townsville | Cape York Peninsula | Central Coast | Central Highlands | Mackay/Proserpine | North Queensland | Outback Queensland | Sunshine Coast | West of Brisbane
More information
Read the Policy - Generators and Noise Generating Appliances operational policy (PDF, 97KB) for further information.