When you must tell us about your medical condition
You must report your medical condition to us if it's likely to make your driving less safe. Not reporting may result in a maximum court-imposed penalty of more than $9600. We could also cancel your licence.
Learn what the law says about medical conditions and driving.
Permanent or long-term medical conditions
In Queensland, you have a legal obligation to report to us any permanent or long-term medical condition, illness, disability or injury that is likely to make your driving less safe. Your doctor will decide if your condition is permanent or long term.
Increase in an existing medical condition
You must tell us about a change or increase in an existing medical condition as soon as you become aware of it, if it affects your ability to drive safely.
Temporary conditions
You don't need to tell us if your medical condition is temporary, unless it becomes long-term or permanent and is likely to make your driving less safe.
However, conditions and symptoms that are temporary, or only happen sometimes, can still make your driving less safe. We encourage you to seek and follow medical advice. Read about:
When you need a medical assessment
If you're not sure if your health is likely to make your driving less safe, your doctor will use the national fitness-to-drive medical standards to assess you. Read about getting a fitness-to-drive medical assessment.