About the Digital Licence app

The Digital Licence is a handy app that can store your identification easily on your mobile devices.

The Digital Licence is optional—you do not have to get the Digital Licence if you do not wish to. All Queenslanders will continue to be sent physical cards, as they are now. You can then share your information safely and securely, such as when picking up postage, entering a club or pub, and any time you need to prove you are who you say you are.

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Get the Digital Licence app

You can use the following links to download the Digital Licence app from the Apple (iOS) and Google (Android) app stores. Anyone can download the app, but to onboard and use it, you will need to be eligible to use the app.

Once you have downloaded the app, you will be able to create a Queensland Digital Identity and onboard with the app.

Digital Licence app credentials

The credentials stored on the Digital Licence app are:

  • driver licence
  • photo identification card/Adult Proof-of-Age card
  • recreational marine licence.

You can share these credentials when you need to verify your identity, such as when entering a pub or club, collecting a parcel, or renting a vehicle or home.

If you have an Adult Proof-of-Age card, you can still use the Digital Licence app. Your card will appear as a Photo Identification Card within the app, and the details on the digital credential will match your physical card.

In the future, it is expected that additional Department of Transport and Main Roads and Queensland Government credentials will be added to the app.

Why do I need a Digital Licence?

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Queenslanders, say hello to the Digital Licence App.

From that first time you slap your L plates on, it will be with you, celebrating all the important moments.

Like your first car. Or your first "just a scratch." Yeah, that one's not getting buffed out.

Cheers to weekends catching up with mates. And no more, "Ahh, I forgot my ID." Moving on up?

Moving on out? Nothing can stop you. Your licence is right there, whenever you need it.
And when you need to get away for a bit, we're still right here to make life easy.

Because all Queenslanders should have freedom to move through life, never missing a beat.

We created the Digital Licence App for Queenslanders of all ages to be able to access their info securely and privately, when it matters most.

Whether it's registration, identification, or recreation - keep life moving, with the Digital Licence App.

The way we use a driver licence has changed from when they were first introduced in 1910. Not only is it an official document which allows you to drive, it is now widely accepted as a form of identification at places such as your bank, pubs and clubs, pharmacies and car rental agencies.

The Digital Licence will give you a quick, convenient, seamless way to verify your identity, while avoiding having to carry a physical card.

The Digital Licence app is not connected to the renewal of your driver licence. If your driver licence is due for renewal, follow the process for renewing your licence. If eligible, you can get the Digital Licence app at any time, before or after your licence renewal.

Who can use the Digital Licence?

To be eligible to use the Digital Licence app, you must have one or more of the following:

You also need to have a mobile device running the latest version of the iOS or Android operating system—or one of the 2 previous versions (to the latest).

If you believe your name may have been recorded incorrectly you will need to attend a Customer Service Centre, and bring your Evidence of Identity documents . Once this is corrected, you will be able to complete  your onboarding with the DLA.

Android devices

We've only made the Android app available through the official Google App store. Don't use third-party stores.

If you're using an Android device, you can ensure you download the app from the official store using our app download links. You can also visit the official Google App store.

Security of your information

The security of your private information is a top priority in the development of the Digital Licence.

The Digital Licence has undergone a range of specialist cybersecurity testing and penetration testing activities, and will continue to be tested throughout the development of the app. This testing will continue once the app has been released statewide.

When you onboard with the Digital Licence (a series of steps you go through before you can begin using the app), your information is encrypted during transmission and when stored on your device. This information can only be accessed if you know the PIN that is set during onboarding. No personally identifiable information is stored or accessible outside of your device.

Each time you access the app, even when switching between apps, you must enter the app PIN, or use your fingerprint or face scan if you have activated that setting. This way, if someone finds your unlocked phone, they will not be able to get into the app without your PIN or face/fingerprint scan.

When you share your information with another device using the Digital Licence, that device does not store your information.

In addition, the app is protected by the security features of your phone, including biometrics such as fingerprint or face scan. These features must be active in order for you to use the Digital Licence app.

If you suspect you have found a security vulnerability with the Digital Licence app, report it to the Queensland Government Cyber Security Unit.

Privacy of your information

The privacy of your information has been a top priority in the development of the app.

You choose what information you share with others, and you consent to sharing each time you do it.

For example, if you need to prove you are over 18, the app will show the verifying person your photo and confirm you are over 18—the app will not show your name or where you live. You control what information you share, depending on the circumstances.

You never have to hand your device to someone who is verifying your information. They can look at your screen or scan a QR code without touching your device.

To ensure the Digital Licence app meets stringent privacy standards, we completed a privacy impact assessment. All of the recommendations in the assessment will be implemented.

In the future, we will continue to have the app independently reviewed and assessed.


Legislation was passed in 2020 about digital authorities, like the digital licence, and the concepts of digital evidence of age and digital evidence of identity. This means that under Queensland law, a digital licence can be used legally in place of a physical licence.

Compliance with ISO international standard

ISO18013-5 is an international standard for how driver licences are implemented on mobile devices. It contains requirements for how you use the digital licence and share your information, as well as security and privacy requirements for storage of information on your device.

We are developing the Digital Licence to comply with this ISO standard. This means your driver licence is safer and more secure. You may also be able to use your Queensland Digital Licence in any jurisdiction which also complies with the standard, in Australia or overseas.

Travelling with your Digital Licence

We know that digital licences are not accepted everywhere. If you are travelling, within Australia or overseas, please check with local authorities to see if digital licences are accepted. We recommend that you always carry your physical licence as a backup. Learn more about driving while overseas.

When you are driving overseas, the licence classes for the country you are in, may be different to Australian licence classes.

The Digital Licence app can show commonly recognised international licence classes, rather than Australian ones, and you should activate this when you are driving overseas, if required.

When you return to Australia, you should switch back to Australian licence classes.

You can switch your app between international and Australian licence classes in the app settings.

Note: Under certain licence conditions, you are ineligible to drive overseas, and this message will appear in the app.

Digital Licence trials

When developing Queensland’s first official Digital Licence app, we started with trials in two regional areas.

These trials gave us the opportunity to test the features and functionality of the app with Queenslanders, and make upgrades and improvements based on your feedback.

The Digital Licence app was first trialled in the Fraser Coast in 2020, with a small number of users and local businesses helping to prove the value and convenience of a digital licence.

The trial was expanded to anyone living in Townsville and the Fraser Coast in 2023. This allowed us to do a large-scale test of the app, as well as testing new and improved security and features within the app.

The results of both trials were overwhelmingly positive and helped us to make the state-wide rollout as easy and seamless as possible.