Explanation of fields

When using the Regional Ecosystem Description Database, you may be confused by some of the terminology.

Supplementary description

Published sources, that were used to derive, or which are equivalent to, each regional ecosystem are listed so that more detailed information can be readily obtained.

This reference list has details of these sources and should be used for more detailed descriptions and examples of the variation of regional ecosystems.

Wetland code

A regional ecosystem is denoted as a wetland if it meets the definition of a wetland in the Queensland wetland mapping and classification methodology (PDF, 2.94MB). Each wetland regional ecosystem is classified into the following wetland classes:


Riverine wetland or fringing riverine wetland. These are wetlands with an open, non-vegetated channel.


Lacustrine (lakes). These are generally larger than 8ha, situated in a topographic depression or dammed river channel and lack vegetation cover (<30%).


Palustrine (swamps, marshes etc.). These are generally non-tidal areas dominated by vegetation (>30% cover) or if lacking vegetation area <8ha.


Intertidal wetlands. Intertidal areas such as mangroves and saltflats.

C Contains a palustrine wetland.
S Contains a fringing riverine wetland.

Non wetland regional ecosystems are classified into the following classes:


Not a wetland

Estimated extent

The area covered by each regional ecosystem is estimated from the latest published regional ecosystem mapping. Pre-clearing extent is the area covered prior to clearing. Remnant extent is the area supporting remnant vegetation in the specified year. Figures are rounded for simplicity.

Short description

A concise summary of the central concept for the regional ecosystem.

Structure code

Structural formation of each regional ecosystem. Consists of the structural class combined with the dominant life form of a vegetation community, e.g. open forest.

VMA Structure category

Categories of vegetation density (Dense, Mid-dense, Sparse, Very sparse, Grassland, Woody grassland, used in regulations and codes under the Vegetation Management framework.


The geology, landform, soil and vegetation that characterise each regional ecosystem are briefly described. This description is not intended to be exclusive, but is the typical expression of the ecosystem based on the best available knowledge.

Variation on a theme is to be expected, particularly in the relative dominance of characteristic plant species. You can get more information from the supplementary sources listed or from the bioregional coordinator for the relevant region.

Plant names follow those listed in the Census of the Queensland Flora. Non-native species are denoted by an asterisk (*) and are generally included under the comments field. The 1:1million broad vegetation group is shown in brackets for each vegetation community.


The subregions that each regional ecosystem occurs in are listed by subregion number, in order of significance. Minor occurrences (1 to <5% of the total remnant extent) are denoted by bracketed subregion numbers, e.g. (3). Very minor occurrences (<1% of the total remnant extent) are not listed. Outliers are denoted by both the bioregion and subregion, e.g. 11.3.

Protected areas

To broadly assess comprehensiveness, adequacy, and representativeness of the protected area system, regional ecosystems are listed for each protected area defined under section 28 of the Nature Conservation Act 1992. This includes national parks (including scientific and recovery), conservation parks, special wildlife reserves, forest reserves and resource reserves, but excludes nature refuges or voluntary conservation agreement areas on private lands.

Extent in reserves

The extent of regional ecosystems within protected areas is classified as high, medium or low.

The high category, greater than 10% of pre-clearing extent, is based on the IUCN (1994) guideline within the CARACAS Declaration that identified that 10% of each biome should be preserved. The medium category, 4–10%, merely reflects that this level would exceed proportionally the total area that is currently reserved in the protected area estate in Queensland (3.8%). The low category, less than 4%, reflects that representation proportionally less than the total park area in the state is low indeed.

Special values

Identifies values associated with the regional ecosystem. This includes species listed under the Nature Conservation Act 1992 with high fidelity for the regional ecosystem. Outstanding geomorphic or other attributes may also be noted.

Fire management guidelines

Fire management guidelines (CSV, 1.1 MB) , including optimal season, intensity, interval and fire strategy, for regional ecosystems are presented from an ecological perspective, designed to enhance biodiversity.

The best available published and expert information has been used in formulating these guidelines, however further research and monitoring is required.


Including additional notes on the distribution, condition, commonly associated non-native species, diagnostic and other characteristics of the regional ecosystem.