Fees and publications


Macropod tags (50)

Tags are available to purchase in lots of 50. Fee for a macropod skin or carcass tag – for a macropod harvesting licence (each lot of 50 tags).

Shooter licence

Macropod harvesting licence for macropods fee.

Shooter licence (more than 1 year)

Macropod harvesting licence for macropods fee.

Dealer licence (1 year or less)

Dealer licence for dead macropods fee.

Dealer licence (more than 1 year)

Dealer licence for dead macropods fee.

Shooter return book

Record and return book for holder of macropod harvesting licence for macropods fee.

Dealer return book

Record and return book for holder of macropod harvesting licence for macropods fee.

Single movement advice

Movement advice for moving or selling wildlife.

Change of licence details

(e.g. change of name or change of person in charge)

Amendment of a permit which is not for camping (other than a change of address) for each amendment granted under the Nature Conservation Act.

Quota submissions

Annual reports
