Assessing fitness to drive

Complete the medical certificate form to give to your patient

Complete the Medical Certificate for Driver (F3712) form with your patient's information and what you recommend based on your medical assessment. Only include relevant information on the form. You do not need to include your patient’s diagnosis on the form.

We’ll consider any changes we need to make to their driver licence based on your advice.

Give your patient the medical certificate form, and keep a copy with their medical records.

Talk to your patient about what to do next

Your patient needs to give us their medical certificate form.

You can refer them to our information on how to report a medical condition or explain the options they have to submit the form to us, including using our online service.

If you believe that a patient is unlikely to notify us about their medical condition and will continue to drive against your medical advice, you are encouraged to notify us. Read about when you should report your patient’s medical condition direct to us.

When you can complete an interim medical certificate

We'll let your patient keep driving until they see a specialist if:

  1. they have an appointment to see the right specialist as soon as possible
  2. you don’t think their health problem is likely to suddenly make them unable to concentrate or drive safely before their appointment happens
  3. you complete an interim Medical Certificate for Drivers form to cover only the time until their appointment
  4. they always carry their certificate whenever they drive and comply with any conditions – ensure your patient knows about this.

In this guide:

  1. Choose either the private or commercial standard
  2. How to assess a patient’s medical condition for fitness to drive
  3. Recommending changes to a patient's driver licence
  4. Decide a review period and expiry date for the medical certificate
  5. Complete the medical certificate form to give to your patient

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