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[Speaker 1] First Nation's Youth Strategy Engagement Group proudly acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the first Australians and traditional custodians of our lands, waters and seas.
[Speaker 2] We honour and respect our elders past and present for their teachings of the past.
[Speaker 3] As their descendants we will carry their learnings and stories with us throughout our individual journeys towards the future.
[Speaker 4] As young people we acknowledge the significant roles played by our elders and ancestors in passing down our culture to this generation and beyond.
[Speaker 5] We accept our responsibilities to continue this caretaker for the benefit of future generations.
[Speaker 6] As we reflect on our past and envision our future as young First Nations Queenslanders, we hope to ratify the path to treaty and actively seek reconciliation for our communities.
The Queensland Government proudly acknowledges and deeply understands that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are the First Australians and traditional custodians of the lands, waters, and seas we are all fortunate to enjoy across our State. We recognise their profound and unbreakable connection to their country, their stories and their distinct rich and diverse cultures. It is our utmost priority to honour and show our deep respect to Elders, both past and present, for their invaluable contributions to our society.
We value and embrace our responsibility to ensure equity, strength, and advancement through shared decision-making and ensuring culturally safe and responsive services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young Queenslanders. We strive to improve life outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples through collaborative efforts as individuals, communities, and governments.
We are immensely proud of the remarkable First Nations leadership, unparalleled excellence, and unwavering spirit of partnership that helped formulate this strategy. We are firmly committed to actively listening to the voices and values of First Nations young Queenslanders, supporting them on their journey to self-determination and empowering them to shape their own bright future.
We recognise the pivotal role played by First Nations young Queenslanders in our communities, and we are dedicated to empowering and supporting them as emerging leaders. We are committed to help unleash their full potential to build a prosperous future for themselves, their families, and our communities.
As we thoughtfully reflect on the past and boldly envision the future, we actively walk together on our shared journey of reconciliation. We firmly believe that all Queenslanders are equal and will continue to work to ensure the rich diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and communities across Queensland are fully recognised, respected, and valued.
This Acknowledgment was written by Liahni Truscott, Senior Program Officer within the Office for Youth in the Department of Treaty, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships, Communities and the Arts. Liahni is responsible for delivering the Queensland Indigenous Youth Leadership Program and is a proud Wakaya woman who is passionate about promoting cultural change and safety.