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First Nations Youth Strategy Engagement Group message
Duration 00:01:35|Closed captions icon
[Speaker 1] We are the First Nations Youth Strategy Engagement Group. We are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples from nations, communities, and countries from across Australia, who call Queensland home. We are young, proud, and loud. We've stepped up to inform the Young Queenslanders Strategy for all of Queensland's young people. We have a vision for a strong and deadly future. As young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders, we've heard from our communities, from our parents, brothers and sisters. We've learned the stories of our past and heard the songs of our ancestors. We've dreamt of a new beginning and understand that our place is actualising it.
[Speaker 2] Walking this path together and not alone, we can break the intergenerational cycle and the effects of trauma. We can achieve a future where young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander voices are continually heard, recognised and trusted. A future where we have closed the gap between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-indigenous people. A future where our people have treaties that recognise our sovereign right to the land, seas and skies. A future where we have a voice that's valued and are supported to lead decisions that affect us. We see a future where our culture is respected and celebrated by all Queenslanders. There is much to do, and our Elders are growing old. One day, it'll be our responsibility to teach the next generation. We do this for them, we do this for all of us. To all Queenslanders, we invite change. We ask that you walk this journey with us, to a deadly future.
We are the First Nations Youth Strategy Engagement Group. We are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples from nations, communities, and countries from across Australia who call Queensland home.
We’re young, proud and loud. We’ve stepped up to inform the Young Queenslanders Strategy for all Queensland’s young people. We have our voice and we have lots to say. We have a vision for a strong and deadly future.
As young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders, we have heard from our community, from our parents, brothers and sisters. We have learned the stories of the past and heard the songs of our ancestors. We have dreamt of a new beginning and understand our place is actualising it.
Walking this path together, not alone, we can break the intergenerational cycle and the effects of trauma. We will achieve a future where Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people’s voices are continually heard, recognised, and trusted. A future where we have closed the gap between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-Indigenous peoples. A future where our people have treaties that recognise our sovereign right to the land, seas and skies. A future where we have a voice that’s valued, and we are supported to lead decisions that affect us. We see a future where our culture is respected and celebrated by all Queenslanders.
There is much to do, and our Elders are growing old. One day it will be our responsibility to teach the next generation. We do this for them, we do it for all of us. To all Queenslanders, we invite change, we ask that you walk this journey with us to a ‘Deadly’ future.