The Skill section of the Bridge Award encourages you to develop practical skills in an area of interest to you.
It could be:
- artistic
- academic
- technical
- or another area.
You can do any of the following:
- continue to develop skills and knowledge in an activity you already do
- study a new topic of personal interest
- complete a specific project, such as making a piece of furniture.
Activity examples
You should choose something that is not a sport or physical activity.
Ideas include:
- Academic: biology, history, astronomy, extension classes.
- Communication: braille, debating, foreign language, journalism, sign language.
- Creative arts: art appreciation, creative writing, drawing, film production, painting, photography, pottery, sculpture.
- Design: fashion, jewellery design, web design.
- Music and performing arts: acting, playing a musical instrument, singing.
- Practical: computing skills, cooking, gardening, sewing, keeping pets.
- Other hobbies: astrology, fishing, juggling, meditation, puppetry, stamp collecting.
- You don’t need to be part of a club—an adult with skills and experience in your chosen activity should help you and be your Assessor.
- You can count an activity you do during school but you need to prove you are doing most of the activity in your own time.
- You can do the same activity in Level 1 and Level 2—you just need to show that you’re improving and building your skills at each level.
- You should present any relevant workbook, log-book, specimens, craft work or articles to your Award Leader for assessment.
Time commitment
Level 1: learn and develop your skills in an interest or hobby for at least 2 months.
Level 2: participate in a practical way in an interest or hobby for at least 4 months.