Carer Connect
Carer Connect is a web and mobile app that allows Queensland foster and kinship carers to access and submit important information about children in their care, in an efficient and convenient way. Carer Connect was launched in 2018 and the development of the app has continued, resulting in new features being released regularly. The user base for Carer Connect continues to climb.
Registering for Carer Connect
Queensland foster and kinship carers are eligible to register for Carer Connect. A carer must have a current Blue Card to complete the registration process as well as ID documents to prove your identity (such as Australian photo driver licence, Australian birth certificate, Medicare card).
Download 'Carer Connect QLD' from the Apple store or Google Play, tap the Register button and follow the on screen prompts to complete the process. (Registration can also be completed via the Carer Connect website.)
What information is available in the app?
Foster and kinship carers who have a child staying with them, either as a primary and/or short break care arrangement can view departmental information, including:
Information available may include:
- Placement agreement and Authority to Care
- medical information e.g. serious health condition alert, health passport and immunisations
- Child Safety contact information, including after-hours phone number
- cultural information
- current education information.
What can carers do in the app?
In addition to viewing child and carer entity information, carers can:
- contribute photos and stories of the child in your care, which will also appear in kicbox, to capture important memories for them
- submit an expense claim for a child currently in your care and which have been pre-approved by Child Safety.
- submit your renewal application
- share essential information about the child in your care, such as what they like doing, what they need help with and their routine
- create your own profile to help Child Safety to introduce you to a child entering your care.
- view noticeboard articles that announce everything from training and social events to legislation changes.
kicbox and Carer Connect
What is kicbox?
kicbox is a platform for recording a digital life story for children and young people in out-of-home care.
Think of the platform as a digital version of a keepsake box—a place to safely and securely record a personal life story. Photos, documents, personal mementos—all the moments in time that underpin identity.
Once a child or young person commences in a care arrangement, a kicbox account is automatically set up for them. This allows foster and kinship carers and Child Safety staff (that are working with the child) to start contributing to the account, and building the child's digital life story.
How does a carer contribute to kicbox?
Carers contribute to a child's kicbox account through their Carer Connect account.
When can a young person be invited to use kicbox?
A young person can be invited to access and start using their kicbox account once they are deemed old enough by their Child Safety Officer (approximately 12 years of age).
The young person will need their own email address and mobile phone number to be able to login and start using the platform.
Find more information about kicbox.