Apply for an organisation disability parking permit
An organisation can apply for an Australian disability parking permit to use in vehicles up to and including 4.5t GVM (excluding taxi, limousines and booked hire services such as Uber).
To apply, organisations must:
- transport people who are eligible for a disability parking permit and who enter/exit the vehicle when using the disability parking bay
- provide evidence that the organisation is a legal entity (F4362)—for example a Certificate of the Registration of a Business Name
- have a Queensland business address.
The number of permits you can apply for is based on the number of nominated vehicles or the total number of staff (including volunteers) who provide the service, whichever number is smaller. For example:
- if you have 5 vehicles and 15 employees, only 5 permits can be granted
- if you have 10 vehicles and 8 employees, only 8 permits can be granted.
Permit cost
You will need to pay $19.75 for:
- new Australian disability parking permit application
- 5 year Australian disability parking permit application – when your permit has been expired for more than 3 months.
An application cannot be processed without payment of the non-refundable fee.
How to apply
You can apply
Apply for an organisation disability parking permit now
Make sure to include:
- all vehicle registration details
- the number of staff required to drive the vehicles that use the permit
- a contact person responsible for managing the permits.
In person or by post
1. Download and complete the Australian disability parking permit application for organisations (F4881).
Make sure to include:
- all vehicle registration details—attach a separate list if needed
- if the organisation doesn’t own a registered vehicle, then the registered vehicle’s owner must provide written authorisation
- the number of staff required to drive the vehicles that use the permit
- a contact person responsible for managing the permits (the person responsible for maintaining a register of permit use).
2. Lodge your application in person or by post and pay the fee.
In person
Lodge your completed form at your nearest transport and motoring customer service centre.
By post
Do not send cash.
Make your cheque or money order payable to the Department of Transport and Main Roads.
Post your completed form with cheque or money order to:
Department of Transport and Main Roads
Disability Parking Permit Scheme
GPO Box 5232
Application decision
You will receive notification of approval or refusal of your permit application within approximately 28 days from when your application is received. Notification will be sent to the address provided on your application form.
Request for decision review
If your application was refused, you can request for a decision review within 28 days.
To have your application reviewed complete an application for review of a decision (F3859) and take it to your nearest transport and motoring customer service centre.
You can also post your application for review to:
Principal Advisor
Customer Services Branch
Department of Transport and Main Roads
GPO Box 5232
Additional requirements for organisations
It is your responsibility to ensure that employees and volunteers return permits prior to leaving your organisation.
You need to inform a transport and motoring customer service centre when vehicles registered for use with the permit has changed.
You will need to complete the Australian disability parking permit application for organisations (F4881) and include any vehicle details that need to be removed. You can attach a separate list if needed.
Permit and vehicle register
You are required to maintain a permit/vehicle register to record the use of each permit against a vehicle. This register must be provided to the Department of Transport and Main Roads upon request.
The register should include:
- total number of permits on hand
- vehicle registration number
- name of driver/name of permit user
- reason for transport
- time permit taken
- signature
- time permit returned
- signature.