Leases, licences and permits to occupy

Subdividing a lease

You can apply to subdivide a lease at any time during the tenure. As a number of special requirements apply depending on your lease type, you should read our Lease subdivision policy (PDF, 593KB) before proceeding.

How to apply

You can apply and lodge your application online or via PDF forms, read the subdivision of a lease state land guide to find out how.

If you can't lodge your application online, apply through the PDF applications and lodge by emailing or by posting it to Department of Resources, PO Box 5318, Townsville QLD 4810.

Payment options

If a fee applies to your application, payment options are cheque (by post) or credit card.

Cheques should be made out to the 'Department of Resources' and marked 'not negotiable'.

Credit card payments are accepted over the phone.

We will send you a receipt once we have established that:

  • your application meets all requirements
  • you've accurately completed all parts of the application form.

Contact us

If you have any questions about lodging your application or payment, contact us by:

How your application is assessed

We will assess your application against legislative requirements. We will seek the views of other stakeholders (e.g. state, regional and local agencies) and inspect the land if required.

Policies and legislation

Native title

Our review will also include an assessment of whether native title issues need to be addressed, and how this should be done. Depending on the outcome, you may be required to address native title issues as a condition of the offer.

Other considerations

We will also ensure that all outstanding rent on the leases has been paid.

What happens next?

Once we have received the advice of other stakeholders and all issues, including native title, have been investigated, we will send you a written notice.

If your application is successful, a written offer will set out the various conditions and requirements. You must complete the acceptance form and return it to us by the date specified or the offer will lapse.

The offer will include conditions and requirements such as:

  • rent and rental category of the new leases
  • conditions applicable to the new leases
  • lodgement of a plan of survey, if needed
  • payment of all regulatory fees and charges.

The new leases issued will be for the same type and purpose as the original lease, unless otherwise agreed by the landholder and the Chief Executive.

If the existing lease is subject to a mortgage or sublease, you must obtain the written consent to the subdivision from the registered mortgagee or sublessee.

The Minister will grant the new tenures. Once you have accepted and satisfied all conditions of the offer, we will seek approval to issue the new tenures in your name.

The new tenures will be issued subject to all the relevant limitations to which the previous lease was subject and in the same priority order.

Reviews and appeals

If your application is refused solely on the basis that you have not complied with the lease conditions, you can appeal against the decision.

In this guide:

  1. Leasing state land
  2. Applying for a permit to occupy
  3. Renewing a lease
  4. Transferring a lease or licence
  5. Surrendering a lease, licence or permit to occupy
  6. Converting/purchasing a lease
  7. Subdividing a lease
  8. Amalgamating leases
  9. Amending the description of a lease
  10. Amending the purpose or conditions
  11. Obtaining approval for a sublease

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