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The $15 million Active Women and Girls Program aims to boost sport and active recreation opportunities for women and girls in Queensland.
The program is dedicated to encouraging greater participation across all facets of sport and active recreation, from playing to coaching and volunteering to umpiring and team management.
Funding can be used across a range of focus areas, such as volunteer training, resources, equipment or creating more participation opportunities for women and girls within clubs, communities and organisations.
Applications closed
Applications for Active Women and Girls Program are now closed.
There are 2 categories for eligibility under this program. Local clubs can apply for $7,500 (GST exclusive) under Category 1. Local government authorities and state-level sport and active recreation organisations can apply for $25,000 (GST exclusive) under Category 2.
Category 1
Eligible organisations must:
have a registered ABN; and
be a local or regional level Queensland not-for-profit sport or recreation organisation or not-for-profit community organisation (with an objective of delivering sport or active recreation activities) incorporated under the:
Associations Incorporation Act 1981 (Qld)
Corporations Act 2001 (Cwlth)
Co-operatives National Law Act 2020 (Qld)
Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (Cwlth); or
be a sport or recreation club incorporated within a Queensland university.
Category 2
Eligible organisations must:
have a registered ABN; and
be a State level sport or active recreation organisation or eligible multi-location organisation incorporated under the:
Associations Incorporation Act 1981 (Qld)
Corporations Act 2001 (Cwlth)
Co-operatives National Law Act 2020 (Qld)
Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (Cwlth); or
Queensland Local government authority
Local Government Act 2009 (Qld).
The Active Women and Girls program has $15 million in total funding (GST exclusive).
The program closed on March 6 2024.
Eligible applicants could apply under one category only.
Category 1
Applicants were eligible for $7500 in funding. The project must align to one or more of these focus areas:
Example projects include:
opportunities in remote and regional areas for women and girls to access online training programs.
targeted education and training for women and girls staff and/or volunteers (e.g., coach, instructor, or officiator accreditation courses).
leadership training opportunities for women and girls.
Example projects include:
On-field: Equip your organisation with safety gear, bats, balls, racquets, safety pads, nets, bibs, first aid, uniforms, or apparel.
Off-field: Invest in software, IT equipment hardware, white goods, club signage, display stands.
Example projects include:
Participation activities and events: Cover costs for planning and delivering women and girls sign-on days, come and try days, carnivals, first aid, venue hire, and equipment hire.
Participation programs: Fund online, modified, target group, or social participation programs (e.g., advertising, venue hire, presenters).
Develop systems and practices to enhance women and girls' involvement in the organisational environment.
Category 2
Applicants were eligible for $25,000 in funding. The project must align to one or more of these focus areas:
Example projects include:
Expand opportunities in remote and regional areas for women and girls to access online training programs.
Provide targeted education and training for women and girls’ staff and/or volunteers (e.g., coach, instructor, or officiator accreditation courses).
Facilitate leadership training opportunities for women and girls.
Example projects include:
Deliver a physical activity program in local council parks and reserves targeting inactive women.
Engage a coaching or officiating development expert to support or mentor emerging female coaches/officials/technical officers.
Drive growth in your activity across Queensland through engaging participation initiatives.
Example projects include:
Implement a virtual physical activity program to support inactive women and girls.
Deliver online mental and physical first aid training programs to support women and girls.
Respond to emerging market needs with a modified/flexible program for women and girls.
Conduct skills sessions to support the development of women and girls.
Purchase equipment to support the delivery of a seniors program in local council parks and green spaces.
Example projects include:
Create promotional material for an introductory program supporting women and girls in regional or remote communities.
Launch a promotional campaign for women’s and girls’ involvement in sport and active recreation programming.
Develop a campaign or materials promoting positive sideline behaviour.