Habitat types
- Brigalow
- Cypress-pine
- Dry rainforest
- Eucalypt open-forest
- Eucalypt woodlands
- Foredune vegetation
- Gidgee
- Heathlands
- Hummock grasslands
- Low open forest to woodlands dominated by swamp box or brush box or turpentine, frequently with sheoak species on rocky hill slopes
- Low open woodlands dominated by a variety of species including beefwood, wattle (Acacia) species, Terminalia species or Cochlospermum species
- Low open woodlands dominated by a variety of species including boree, whitewood, supplejack and Lysiphyllum species
- Low woodlands of a variety of species including Lysiphyllum cunninghamii, beefwood, and whitewood, occurring on sandplains. (Bylong landsystem)
- Low woodlands to tall shrublands dominated by wattle (Acacia) species
- Mangroves
- Melaleuca woodlands
- Mixed open forblands to open tussock grasslands in inland locations
- Mulga
- Open forest to woodland dominated by brown salwood or other wattle (Acacia) species with Syzygium species, bloodwoods and/or parinari
- Open shrublands dominated by Senna species
- Saltmarshes
- Tussock grasslands
- Wet rainforest
- Wet sclerophyll forest
- Wetlands
- Arid and semi-arid lakes
- Arid swamps
- Coastal and sub-coastal floodplain lakes and non-floodplain soil lakes
- Coastal and sub-coastal tree swamps
- Coastal and sub-coastal wet heath swamps
- Coastal grass-sedge wetlands
- Coastal non-floodplain sand lakes
- Coastal palm swamps
- Great Artesian Basin spring wetlands
- Karst wetlands
- Semi-arid swamps