
Acacia cambagei low woodland on alluvium, near Talawant Homestead, GUP.
Acacia cambagei low woodland on alluvium, near Talawant Homestead, GUP.
GW Wilson
Acacia cambagei and Eucalyptus ochrophloia woodland, NW of Cunnamulla.
Acacia cambagei and Eucalyptus ochrophloia woodland, NW of Cunnamulla.
VJ Neldner

Habitat type: Gidgee

Other key words: Georgina gidgee, blackwood, open forests to tall shrublands, low woodland with scattered shrubs

Description: This vegetation type predominantly occurs on gently undulating to rolling plains. Gidgee (Acacia cambagei) is the dominant tree, with Georgina gidgee (A. georginae) sometimes dominating in the west, and blackwood (A. argyrodendron) in the northeast. Scattered emergent Eucalyptus trees are sometimes present. A sparse to open shrub layer is often present with Enchylaena tomentosa, Eremophila and Senna species.

Some animals that use this habitat type: Black-breasted buzzard, Hall’s babbler, pied honeyeater, kultarr, king brown snake, desert froglet and knife-footed frog.