Melaleuca dry woodlands
Habitat type: Melaleuca dry woodlands
Other key words: low woodland, low-open woodland
Description: Broad-leaved paperbark/tea-tree (Melaleuca viridiflora) dominates the sparse to very sparse canopy. Corymbia clarksoniana and less often C. dallachiana or long-fruited bloodwood (C. polycarpa) may be present as emergent trees. The low tree/shrub layer is generally very sparse, and most frequently composed of broad-leaved paperbark (M. viridiflora), M. stenostachya, bushy's clothes peg (Grevillea glauca), beefwood (G. parallela), Petalostigma banksii, quinine tree (P. pubescens) and north coast wattle (Acacia leptocarpa). The ground layer is frequented by a diversity of grass species.
Some animals that use this habitat type: Golden-shouldered parrot, red goshawk, agile wallaby and northern nailtail wallaby.