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Recovery and healing


Accommodation options for emergency shelters, rentals, public housing, and people living in First Nations communities experiencing domestic and family violence.

Help to recover and heal

Recovery and healing is a journey that can take time, but you can rebuild your confidence to help you move forward and make decisions about your future.


Tips and resources to help you get back into the workforce after a break, including how to search for a job, write a job application, and prepare for an interview.


Explore further education pathways to help you upgrade your skills and experience, retrain, or even find a new career direction as part of healing and recovery.


Information about how to get legal help and advice and if you are experiencing domestic or family violence.


Find out how to get financial help for living expenses or debt relief.


Taking care of yourself or someone you know who is experiencing domestic and family violence or coercive control.

Ending a marriage, defacto relationship or civil partnership

Find help and support if you want to separate from your partner, get a divorce or end a marriage, defacto relationship or civil partnership.

What should I do if children are involved

Help and support if children are involved in domestic and family violence or coercive control.