Growing the Recovery of Organic Waste via Food Organic and Garden Organics (GROW FOGO) Fund

Organic waste makes up around half of what Queenslanders throw away each week in their kerbside waste (red lid) bin. Diverting organic material from landfill presents numerous environmental and economic benefits, ranging from a significant reduction in landfill methane emissions to the generation of value-added products.

The Queensland Organics Strategy 2022–2032 (Organics Strategy) provides a framework for the improved management of organic materials like food and plants, from where they're produced to where they're used or disposed. The goals of the strategy will be reached though actions outlined in the Queensland Organics Action Plan 2022–2032 (Organics Action Plan) which provides guidance to create less organic waste, create economic opportunities through the reuse of organic materials, and minimise impacts on nature and communities.

The Queensland Government has committed to supporting councils, industry and the community to implement the Organics Strategy and Organics Action Plan, recognising the unique challenges faced by some Queensland communities.

The Growing the Recovery of Organic Waste via Food Organic Garden Organic (GROW FOGO) Fund will provide support to assist Queensland councils to implement or expand kerbside food organic garden organic (FOGO) collection services that form part of a core waste service.

Funding for bin harmonisation (stream 3 of the GROW FOGO Fund) will also support councils to achieve statewide consistency in general waste collection services, resulting in cleaner waste streams and improved resource recovery.

Funding is currently available until 30 June 2027, with the funding intended to facilitate council implementation of organics collection services through to 2032, depending on council implementation timelines.

More information about GROW FOGO, including eligibility and the application process is available in the Fund guidelines (PDF, 674.2 KB) .

Funding streams
Funding Stream SEQ Councils Qld R7 Councils Qld Councils other than SEQ Councils or R7 Councils
Stream 1 - Kerbside organics bins $65 / household $75 / household not available
Stream 2 - Kitchen food organics caddies $15 / household $15 / household not available
Stream 3 - Bin harmonisation (general waste bins) $20 / household $25 / household $25 / household
Stream 4 - Education and awareness (related to stream 1) $10 / household $10 / household not available

How to apply

South East Queensland Councils

Eligible South East Queensland (SEQ) Councils need to work with the Council of Mayors South East Queensland (CoMSEQ) Waste Portfolio Management Office (PMO) to provide the required information as detailed in the guidelines and submit an application through the SmartyGrants portal.

Regional (non-SEQ) Councils

Eligible R7 Councils applying for funding streams 1–4, and Queensland Councils (other than SEQ or R7 Councils) applying for stream 3 funding will need to work with the department to submit the required information through the SmartyGrants portal.

Approved GROW FOGO SEQ projects
Recipient Funding received for Funding allocated

City of Moreton Bay

  • New kerbside organics bins
  • Bin harmonisation (replace older dark green lids with red lids)
  • Education and awareness activities


City of Ipswich

  • New kerbside organics bins
  • Bin harmonisation (replace older dark green lids with red lids)
  • Education and awareness activities


Gold Coast City Council

  • New kerbside organics bins
  • Education and awareness activities


Approved GROW FOGO regional projects
Recipient Funding received for Funding allocated
Mareeba Shire Council
  • Bin harmonisation (replace older dark green lids with red lids)
Approved demonstration projects
Recipient Funding received for Funding allocated

Bundaberg Regional Council

  • New kerbside organics bins
  • New kitchen/household caddies
  • Bin harmonisation (replace older dark green lids with red lids)
  • Education and awareness


Further information

For further information about the program, please contact the Office of Circular Economy Programs team via email at